Sponsored Posting

Sponsored Posting and Partnership Opportunities

Remember, sponsored posts are posts written to drive traffic and increase exposure to a specific website, brand, product, or person

We do accept sponsored posts but keep the guidelines (mentioned below) in mind. Exceptions are rarely made.

Think of ThePhoneTalks.com as an ordinary blog that is trying its best to present worthy products to the audience.

With The Phone Talks we aim to enlighten you with the latest tech releases around the globe.  Our only purpose is to highlight the top phones and gadgets considering value, performance, and availability.

Guidelines for Writing a Sponsored Post

The tone of the post should be similar to the other posts written on this blog. The more familiar the tone of voice, the better the likelihood of engagement. We may edit the post if the tone doesn’t represent the nature of the blog.

There are absolutely no guarantees regarding the number of click-throughs a sponsored post gets.

We reserve the right to set links as nofollow based on our best judgment.

Benefits of Posting on The Phone Talks

  • 140,000+ monthly visitors (mostly from the USA, Canada, and EU countries)
  • A Blog Dedicated to ONLY Tech stories and gadgets
  • 3K+ Email Subscribers
  • Affordable Plans and Packages

You can contact us at thephonetalks(at)gmail(dot)com or simply visit this page.

  • For Guest Posting, visit here.