
15 Solid Reasons Why Phones Should Be Allowed In School

The use of phones in schools has always been a topic of great debate since there are people who say that being able to use them can have a positive result, while other people affirm that the learning process will not be the same. To help understand all this a little better, we have prepared some solid reasons why phones should be allowed in school, their cons, and how to counter them.

They are direct contact between students and their parents

For parents and guardians, knowing how their children are doing is something essential, so using phones in school can give them the peace of mind that their children are doing well. In addition to that, they can also know information such as the classes they are in or who they are with. In case of any emergency, both can contact each other as soon as possible.

They are a means of safety in case of an emergency

The school should be a safe place for students, however, anything unexpected can happen, both inside and outside the school, so being able to report any eventuality is of the utmost importance.

Can help teachers with supplementary learning materials

Although teachers rely on the information they themselves obtain, organize and possess, being able to use different supplementary learning materials, such as videos, presentations, voice notes, and online books, is a tool that can help them expand knowledge among students.


They are able to provide information in real-time

In the event that a student has a question that the teacher cannot answer, or there is confusion about a subject, real-time research can be carried out through the phones, thus solving any type of inconvenience that may exist.

Can be used alongside educational applications

As technology has advanced, so has education, so now you can get a variety of phone apps that give students extra information, as well as the ability to communicate with other students and teachers. Professional writing services and apps such as CustomWritings are available as well which help struggling students complete their essays and other academic papers.

They are constant access to information from other classes

If a student is in a class but needs to review information about something they have seen in the past, they can easily do so using the phone’s memory resources, including photos, videos, and notes. Likewise, students from different classrooms can share the information acquired.


Can help promote a personal organization

Organization is one of the key things when talking about the study since it is a tool that will help to understand things in a better way. Through the use of applications on the phone itself, schedules or to-do lists can be created to have an order of what to do, read or study.

They help institutions to reduce costs

Institutions have a duty to provide their students with all the resources they can use to achieve the best quality learning, however, some of these resources can have high costs, especially when it comes to technology, such as computers. By placing this as one of the reasons why phones should be allowed in school, institutions could not spend so much budget on the purchase of technological devices.

Can help improve learning thanks to various stimuli

There are different types of learning. There are people who learn better by directly reading the information in total silence, as there are others who need to observe it and analyze it carefully with background sounds. In the event that any student has this last type of learning, phones can provide stimuli that help to understand and improve memory at the moment.


They are tools to help students with technology

It is no secret to anyone that we are surrounded by technology, so constantly using it not only helps teachers and administrative staff to understand how it works, but it is also a help to the students themselves. This will give them greater ease of understanding current technology.

They open the possibility of teaching about safety away from home

Personal security is something of the utmost importance for any individual, and having a smart device with you can become a flash point for people with bad intentions. This opens the topic of conversation about security in places outside the home, to always be aware of everything around you.

Can increase student motivation and engagement

While phones and games are used at home as a motivational method for students, a similar idea can be used at school. Teachers can reach agreements with students, and create an environment where education and leisure go hand in hand.


Can be used to raise awareness of social issues

Social networks are something positive since they help us to know the world and to communicate from home, however, this also comes with negative aspects, such as bad opinions, bullying, and others. This opens the doors to being able to create awareness about the evil of the internet, as well as the way in which social comments can affect people.

Information can be shared in case of absence

Whether due to illness, accidents, or other reasons, a student may be absent from class at any time, thus missing out on information that was discussed in class. Through phones, this information can be sent quickly and clearly, so that control of the information is never lost.

They help improve communication in special cases

Although school is known as a place of learning, communication, and recreation, this is not such a simple case for some people. There are some students who have a bit of trouble understanding topics or communicating with others, and the different tools provided by phones can be of great help in achieving integration between students and the institution.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Phones At School


  • Students and their representatives can maintain constant communication.
  • It is an effective method to get all kinds of information in a very fast and easy way.
  • Smartphones are a simple tool to share necessary information between teachers and students.


  • They can become a distraction.

Solution: Teachers can limit the time that phones are used in the classroom area.

  • Verbal communication between students may be affected negatively.

Solution: Emphasize the importance of communication in the classroom, as well as outside of it.

  • They can be used to cheat on tests.

Solution: Establish rules at the time of the evaluations like submitting phones to the teacher before tests/exams, and proper checking of students’ bags and pockets.


Are schools allowed to search your phone?

Each school has a different policy, some have the policy to check your phone for any explicit content, cheat sheets, messages which can hurt others, etc. Meanwhile, some schools don’t have such a policy and consider phones as a student’s personal and private property.

Are schools allowed to take your phone?

Whether a school takes your phone or not depends on the school’s policy on smartphones. If they are banned from school or have something that goes against the policy, a school has the right to take that phone.

Do schools track your phone?

Yes and no. Again it depends on the policy. A few schools have the policy to track phone and app usage in school and some schools even have such strictness that the management can see what you are doing. Such tracking is possible via the school’s WiFi and custom monitoring app installation.

Is it illegal to have a phone in school?

Nationwide, no it’s not illegal. However, each school has its own policy which either allows you to bring phones and only use it at specific time periods or totally ban them at school.

Are these reasons enough to allow phones in schools? What do you think, should phones be allowed in school? Let other readers know your thoughts on this in the comment section below.