Home Latest News Apple has continued its legacy of taking care of its released devices and launched Adaptive Function for the Apple AirPods Pro. The function is only for the second generation of the AirPods Pro, with an H2 chip. It is not released for the AirPods Pro and AirPods Max. The function will take usability to the next level for the AirPods. Release Highlights Apple has launched Adaptive Function for AirPods Pro It will only work for AirPods Pro with an H2 chip. It uses machine learning for fine media experience The feature can reduce background noise and enhance the voice in front of you. Specifications of the Adaptive Function Apple has released the new feature Adaptive Function further to enhance the user experience with Apple Air Pods Pro. The feature only works for AirPods with an H2 chip, and users with AirPods Pro (1st Generation) and AirPods Max cannot use the function. The adaptive feature allows users to focus and hear what other sounds or voices are around them while wearing the AirPods Pro. It uses personalized volume, a machine learning method, to fine-tune the media experience. The function learns about your preferences and adjusts itself whenever the need comes. Moreover, it has conversation awareness that automatically lowers the volume so users can interact with others without taking the AirPods off. See alsoLenovo Moto G55 to come soon with Dimensity 7025 ChipsetMuhammad Arbaz·September 10, 2024 The new feature seems a good option to enhance the user experience further. Do you think more and more Apple products should adapt to this feature? Source (Weibo, in Chinese)