Home Latest News Coolpad has shocked the world with the sudden release of their new phone, the Coolpad Fengshang 50 Lite. The phone comes with a UNISOC Tiger T616 processor, 4GB RAM, up to 256GB device storage, a 6.56-inch LCD screen, a 2MP front camera, dual cameras on the back, 4400mAh battery that supports 10W charging, and much more. What's Inside ToggleRelease Highlights Processor & StorageDisplay & AppearanceCameraBatteryPrice & Availability Release Highlights The Coolpad Fengshang 50 Lite comes with UNISOC Tiger T616 chipset It has 4GB RAM and device storage options of 128GB and 256GB Users can enjoy a 6.56-inch LCD notch display which supports 60Hz refresh rate For selfies, it has a 2MP front camera while the rear aise has dual cameras (13MP and 0.3MP) Processor & Storage As for the processing power, the Coolpad Fengshang 50 lite comes with the UNISOC T616 processor. It has 4GB RAM and memory storage options of 128GB or 256 GB. Display & Appearance For optimal viewing experience, Coolpad Fengshang 50 Lite features a vibrant 6.56-inch LCD notch screen. It has a resolution of 1612 x 720 and supports a 60Hz refresh rate. The overall design of the phone seems like Meizu 21 and Galaxy S24. It weighs 231g and has a thickness of 9.8mm. The phone supports a UBS-C interface, 3.5mm headphone jack, face unlocking, and micro SD card expansion, and is equipped with an Android 13 system. Users can choose from various color options Sea Sky Blue Peach Pink Starry Sky Deep Space Black Camera On the front side of the Coolpad Fengshang 50 Lite is a 2MP camera for all your selfies. Whereas, the rear side boasts a dual camera setup of 13MP and 0.3MP for optimal photos and videos. Battery Coolpad Fengshang 50 Lite is powered by a 4400mAh battery which supports 10W charging.See alsoApple iPhone 16 and 16 Plus Debut with A16 ProcessorsMuhammad Arbaz·September 10, 2024 Price & Availability The Coolpad Fengshang 50 Lite has been officially released in China and will soon be available in other parts of the world. It has various variants for users to choose from 4+128GB priced at 489 yuan ($68) 4+256GB priced at 589 yuan ($83) The device might be the most affordable option available in the market right now. Do you think the device could be your next phone of choice? Source (Weibo, in Chinese)