How To Learn Effectively Online

How To Learn Effectively Online | 15 Proven Methods

The ancient days of cramming and sleeping on books at home or at the library are gone. With the internet available in almost every place, there have been drastic innovations in learning. Today, we will provide you with the 15 proven methods to learn effectively online.

Learn Effectively Online | Let The Count Begin

1) Work using the progressive jpeg method

Starting with no.1, College paper help from BidForWriting wrote about this method called ‘progressive jpeg method’. You work on a project so that you can show it to the client at any time: first, you develop the basic functionality, and then, if there is time, you go deeper and deeper into the project. It’s similar to how a jpeg image is made from the start.

Using this method, I do my homework:

I do the basic version of the work first. It may be far from perfect, but it is one that I can turn in, meet the deadline, and get feedback from the expert. 

Then, if there is time, I supplement the work: I deepen individual points and add details. 

This approach helps me to step on the throat of my inner perfectionist and deliver tasks on time. 

2) Find a Buddy

A buddy is a partner, a person who gives you feedback during the course, helps you to master skills, achieve results and not give up in the process. 

You can find such a partner during the course and agree that you, for example:

Call each other once every week or two and discuss your results

exchange homework and give each other feedback.

support each other

Remind one another of the importance of doing your homework and passing the course by the end. 

3) Don’t leave homework to the last minute

It’s best to agree with yourself that you always turn in your homework the day before the deadline. It helps to work at ease, rather than running after the departing train, hoping to jump on the last wagon. 

4) Complete assignments on Fridays

Or schedule them for another weekday. Here it is important not to leave work for the weekend to enjoy the rest and get a well-deserved break. 

5) Keep an outline

Best of all, by hand. You memorize better that way. Plus you can go back to the notes when you do your homework. 

6) Work using the “Pomodoro” method

The method is that you study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. So you can watch the lectures in notes, break them up into small segments, and do your homework. 

The method helps you not to pass up big tasks and not to put them off: it is always easier to talk yourself into studying for just 25 minutes than to allocate 2 hours for training. 

7) Come up with incentives

Figure out what you will reward yourself with when you:

Watch 1 lecture or complete 3 or 4 homework assignments in a row

Finish the module.

When there’s something satisfying ahead of you, it’s easier to study. 

8) Write out what you can apply now

After each lesson/module, it is useful to write out “tricks”, techniques, and programs that you can apply now. And try to use them without procrastination in order to consolidate the material. 

Also read: How Do I Use Apps on My Phone to Make Learning Easier?

9) Study in the morning, when information is better absorbed.

You can get up an hour earlier and spend that hour studying. You will not be distracted, and the information will be remembered better than in the evening when you are tired. 

10) Don’t compare yourself with others.

Don’t berate yourself because classmates are getting more time or doing better on assignments. People come to online courses from different backgrounds and at different levels of mastery of the material. There’s nothing useful in comparing your start to someone else’s middle ground.

The only person with whom it makes sense to compare yourself is you yesterday. If you managed a little more today and learned something you didn’t know yesterday, you’re already doing great. 

11) Create your own knowledge base

Start a file where you will collect additional materials, useful discounts, expert recommendations, insights, and other useful information. 

12) Don’t forget the big goal

At the beginning of the course, decide what big goal, what big result you are aiming for. Why are you studying? What do you want to achieve in the final?

Write down this goal and come back to it during the course. 

It is important that this goal captivates you, and motivates you to learn and overcome difficulties. 

13) In case of difficulties ask for help.

Do not try to solve the problem on your own. It is better to write to supervisors, experts, and student chat rooms. 

14) Say out loud what you have learned.

This helps you remember the material better. After each class, it is helpful to talk to yourself about what you learned, and what was most useful in the class. 

15) Going back over what you have learned.

It’s helpful to review lessons twice – you can fast-forward. Or go back to the presentations and supplementary materials. That way you’ll remember more. 

We hope that among the tips there are some that are appropriate for you and will help you learn more effectively and achieve your goals. Good luck!