
Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison

In the market all around the world, a large number of processors are available for smartphones, which work depending on the tastes of the company that created them or what users want to do. That being said, today, we are going to make a comparison between four of the most popular: Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980.

Do not take more time and see which one is the best processor!

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 – Specs Sheet Comparison

SOCKirin 990Snapdragon 855 PlusExynos 9825Kirin 980
CPU 2x Cortex-A76 at 2.86 GHz
2x Cortex-A76 at 2.36 GHz
4x Cortex-A55 at 1.95 GHz
Custom ARM Cortex - Kryo 485
1x Cortex A76 @ 2.96GHz
3x Cortex-A76 @ 2.42GHz
4x Cortex-A55 @ 1.8GHz
Fully-custom ARM Cortex
2x M4 @ 2.73 GHz
2x Cortex A75 @ 2.4 GHz
4x Cortex A55 @ 1.95 GHz
2 X Cortex-A76 @2.6GHz
2 X Cortex-A76 @1.92GHz
4 X Cortex-A55 @1.8GHz
Process Technology7nm+ EUV7nm + LPP TSMC + FinET technology8nm 7nm LPP
GPUMali-G76 MC16Adreno 640, 672MHzFully-custom ARM Cortex
2x M4 @ 2.73 GHz
2x Cortex A75 @ 2.4 GHz
4x Cortex A55 @ 1.95 GHz
MemoryUFS 3.0 y UFS 2.1UFS 3.0UFS 3.0UFS 2.1
WiFi802.11 ac
Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison – Process Comparison

Let’s start the comparison with the process technology which determines the power consumption and performance of the SoC. Remember the lower the number the better is the performance and efficient power consumption.

The new Kirin 990 5G uses the latest 7nm+ EUV process. It’s slightly better than the standard 7nm EUV because this one is the first SoC to feature above 10 billion transistors (10.3 billion transistors) but on a board area which is 36% less compared to the previous generation. This saves manufacturers some space in their flagships now. On the other hand, the Snapdragon 855 Plus is also based on the 7nm process and the LPP TSMC and FinET technology.

Process Comparison

That being said, the new Exynos 9825 is the first 7nm SoC based on EUV technology, which allows SoC manufacturer to leverage extreme ultraviolet wavelengths to print finer circuits and develop a faster and more power-efficient processor. Having said that, Exynos 980 is a better SoC than Exynos 9825 targeted for 5G, however, still, Samsung decides to use an 8nm process on it.

Winner: Exynos 9825

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison – CPU Comparison

Moving to the CPU section and frequency, the Kirin 990 5G uses an octa-core design (2+2+4) with a tri-cluster layout similar to the Kirin 980, however, with higher frequency to the mid and lower cores. To be specific, there are 2 x mid-end Cortex-A76 with frequency @2.36GHz and 4 x Cortex-A55 power-efficient cores running @1.95GHz. On The other hand, the Snapdragon 855 Plus is built with a 7nm FinET technology process. It uses a Kryo 485 CPU based on a semi-custom ARM Cortex technology: 1 core x Cortex-A76 core at 2.84GHz, 3 cores x Cortex-A76 at 2.42GHz and 4 cores x Cortex-A55 at 1.8GHz. That being said, with the Exynos 9825, Samsung still follows the same tri-cluster layout with 2+2+4 different cores. To be honest, in comparison to the Exynos 9820 which is based on the 8nm LPP FinET process, the core configuration is exactly the same. There are two custom CPUs (M4) running @2.73 GHz, two Cortex-A75 high-performance cores @ 2.4GHz, and four CortexA55 low-power cores @1.95GHz.

CPU Comparison

Having said that, the Exynos 980 features an octa-core design (2+6). It’s the second processor to feature the new Cortex-A77 core. Getting into the details, we have 2 x Cortex-A77 cores running @2.2GHz which are upper, and 6x Cortex-A55 cores running at @1.8GHz, which are low-performance cores.

Winner: Exynos 9825

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison – GPU Comparison

It’s said to see Kirin 990 5G still on the ARM Mali-G76 MC/MP16, but this time with 16-cores to enhance the gaming performance. However, remember this that the more cores will generate more heat and consume more power and since the GPU has not been upgraded to Mali-G77 which offers better process and power management. That being said, with Kirin Gaming+ 2.0 software combined, the performance is increased by 30% while optimizing energy efficiency by 46% compared to the previous generation.

On the other hand, the Qualcomm Adreno 640 GPU present in the Snapdragon 855 offers graphics processing speeds up to 20% faster compared to previous generations while maintaining industry-leading performance. The Plus version of SD 855 has the same CPU overclocked. Meanwhile, it’s surprising to see that the new Exynos 9825 and the previous generation Exynos 9820 has the same GPU which is Mali G76MP12. The frequency of the GPU hasn’t revealed by Samsung yet, however, we expect it to be @800 MHz from the previous @720MHz.

GPU Comparison

That being said, the Exynos 980 has a slightly upgraded GPU (ARM Mali-G76 MP5) in comparison to the Exynos 9820 and 9825’s GPU (ARM Mali-G76 MP12). However, MediaTek Helio 5G M70 SoC is on the next level featuring the next generation of Mali GPUs starting with ARM Mali-G77. Moreover, since the process is 7nm, the long term heat generation is in control and offers better performance at high temperature.

Winner: Kirin 990 5G

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 Comparison – Other Specs Comparison

Artificial Intelligence

Since it’s the AI era, all four SoCs features an integrated NPU. Huawei has used its famous DaVinci NPU in Kirin 990 5G which were first used in Kirin 810. The Kirin 990 5G has a unique Big+Small NPU configuration better than Kirin 810’s dual NPU configuration. The Small NPUs are for always-on applications and Big NPUs will handle high workloads. That being said, we must remember that in the Kirin 990 5G there’s tri NPU (2 big + 1 small) in comparison to Kirin 990 4G (1 big + 1 small).

Artificial Intelligence Comparison

On the other hand, the Snapdragon 855 Plus has a Hexagon 685 DSP to carry out AI activities. Also, the Exynos 9825 similar to the Exynos 9820 has an integrated NPU for AI processing. It’s not the highlight of the SoC. We believe that the 9825 NPU is the same as in 9820, so the AI performance will not have that much difference.

Lastly, the Exynos 980’s NPU offers 2.7x AI processing similar to Exynos 9825. Samsung SoCs aren’t that much towards AI performance at the moment as Kirin and MediaTek. MediaTek confirms that the 5G M70 SoC has an integrated NPU, however, no other information is revealed at the moment.

Kirin 990 Tiger T710 Snapdrago 855 Plus Exynos 9825 980 AI Benchmark Score

Winner: Kirin 990 5G

5G Connectivity

Kirin 990 5G has a peak download speed up to 2.3Gbps and upload speed up to 1.25Gbps. It’s the first integrated SoC to support both SA and NSA networks based on sub-6GHz. Sadly, we don’t see mmWave support in it as Huawei is banned in the US. Meanwhile, the Snapdragon 855 Plus can achieve 5G by pairing it with Snapdragon X50 modem.

On the other hand, we believed that Samsung might have invented the first integrated 5G modem but Samsung thinks that it’s too early for that. Anyways, 5G can be attained on Exynos 9825 SoC by pairing it with 5G Exynos Modem 5100. Also, the Exynos 980’s Sub-6GHz speed is 2.55Gbps (Downloading) and 1.28Gbps (Uploading). Moreover, the 4G speed is up to 1Gbps in 4G and 3.55Gbps in dual mode.

5G Connectivity

Winner: Exynos 980

Price Comparison

Huawei mostly provides much cheaper smartphones than Samsung in the high-end category. The examples are the upcoming Huawei Mate 30 series comparison with Galaxy Note 10 series. Kirin SoCs are used in Huawei phones specifically, meanwhile, Exynos SoCs are used in Samsung phones. Similar to the price difference between a Samsung flagship phone vs Huawei flagship phone, Kirin 990 5G will be cheaper than Exynos 980 and 9825. That being said, since Exynos 9825 is a new SoC, it will have more price than Snapdragon 855 Plus, and Kirin 980.

The price difference is like this:

Kirin 995 5G < Snapdragon 855 Plus < Exynos 9825 < 980

Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 – Price Comparison

Winner: Kirin 990 5G

Our Verdict

Concluding the Kirin 990 5G Vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Vs Exynos 9825 vs 980 comparison, Kirin 990 5G might be the winner due to the 7nm+ EUV process, its octa-core design (2+2+4) with a tri-cluster layout and the Mali-G76 MC/MP16 with 16-cores to enhance the gaming performance. Also, it has a unique Big+Small NPU configuration better than Kirin 810’s dual NPU configuration.

Due to all these factors, we conclude that the Kirin 990 5G is the best processor among these four options, although as always, everything depends on the tastes that the user has.

Overall Winner: Kirin 990 5G

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