Home Latest News Nokia which was once the king of the phones market never retrieved after the arrival of smartphones from Samsung and Apple. However, 2018 might be the year for Nokia to do the impossible and reclaim its lost throne. At MWC 18, HMD released its first full-screen smartphone ‘Nokia 7 Plus’. Today, it was officially on sale at 10:07 am. The price of the variants was as follow: Standard Version (4GB+64GB) for 2299 yuan ($364) High Version (6GB+64GB) for 2499 yuan ($395) Furthermore, the officials said the Nokia 7 Plus first sale in China ended after 5 minutes when all units of the flagship were sold out. The sale ended with the announcement of the next round of sale to start on March 15 at 10:07 am. Nokia 7 Plus – Nokia’s First Full-screen Smartphone Starting with the appearance, the Nokia 7 Plus uses all-in-one body layout. According to official introduction, Nokia 7 Plus undergoes 6-layer coating process, 17 hours 26 grinding process, although its a metal body but it has a ceramic touch as well. That is why the holding experience is extremely great.See alsoLenovo Moto G55 to come soon with Dimensity 7025 ChipsetMuhammad Arbaz·September 10, 2024 Regarding hardware, the Nokia 7 Plus uses a 6.0-inch 2160 × 1080 screen, aspect ratio of 18: 9. It’s equipped with 14nm Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 SoC along with the battery capacity of 3800mAh and runs on the latest Android 8.0 system. The Nokia 7 ‘Plus’ flagship has an upgraded front 16 MP Zeiss certified lens, with F / 2.0 aperture and support for a beauty mode and beauty blur. Meanwhile, the rear is a 12 MP +13 MP (F1.75 and F2.6) Zeiss certified dual camera supporting blurring algorithm, 2 times optical lossless zoom, and dual-view camera mode. Source (in Chinese)