Home Latest News Though separate processors for regions is a tradition of Samsung Galaxy S and Note series (Exynos and Snapdragon), however, it looks like the OnePlus Nord series will be following that tradition as well. OnePlus Nord Indian and European versions use Snapdragon 765G, while the OnePlus Nord US Version will use Snapdragon 690. Today, according to XDA reports, developers found in the OxygenOS 10.5 system code that the US version of OnePlus Nord is code-named Billie, and its chip code-name is SM6350, which is the chipset code of Qualcomm Snapdragon 690. Snapdragon 690 is based on an 8nm process and integrates a 5G modem. It is the first 5G SoC in the Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 series. Brands such as HMD, Motorola, Sharp, TCL, and LG are listed to feature this SoC. Considering that the positioning of the Snapdragon 690 is lower than that of the Snapdragon 765G, OnePlus Nord US version price is expected to be lower than that of the European version. See alsoHuawei Enjoy 70 5G is released with the Dimensity 700 ChipMuhammad Arbaz·September 5, 2024 OnePlus Nord US version release date is not confirmed yet. However, we do know that OnePlus founder and CEO ‘Liu Zuohu’ previously stated that OnePlus Nord will soon enter the US market. Source (XDA Developers)