Home Latest News Last night, Qualcomm released the Snapdragon 855 Plus, and ASUS immediately confirmed that the second generation of the ROG gaming phone will feature it, and the conference will be held on July 23. After investigation, the ASUS device I001DC, which is suspected to be ROG gaming phone 2 running on Snapdragon 855 Plus, has appeared on GeekBench. This is the first time we have a glimpse of the Snapdragon 855 Plus Benchmark. It can be seen that the Asus ROG Gaming Phone 2 has a single-core score of 3616. Meanwhile, the multi-core score of 11103 points. Although there are some Snapdragon 855 phones out there which reaches this score, however, it is because the optimization is very effective. It is reported that the Snapdragon 855 Plus has no architectural changes, nor directly integrated 5G baseband, but the CPU’s high core frequency has increased from 2.84GHz to 2.96GHz (4%), Adreno 640 GPU frequency increased from 585MHz to 672MHz (Amplitude 15%). Apart from the Snapdragon 855 Plus GeekBench score. you can see that the ROG gaming phone 2 generation has a maximum of 12GB RAM, pre-installed Android 9.0 OS.See alsoCoolpad Fengshang 50 Lite debuts for less than $100Muhammad Arbaz·September 4, 2024 Source