Home Tips & Tricks School life, whether as a student or as a teacher, is not easy, especially when it comes to money. Because of this, Samsung offers an incredible opportunity for this population through its Education Offers Program, where you can find the helpful Samsung Education Discounts. Here we are going to teach you how to take advantage of all these great products, deals, and opportunities! What's Inside ToggleWhat Are The Samsung Education Discounts?How Do The Discounts Work?An Important Part: The Programs RestrictionsWhat Are The Best Products To Buy?1. Smartphones2. Tablets3. Smartwatches4. EarbudsFAQ What Are The Samsung Education Discounts? It is known that there are a huge number of people who are studying for various university degrees, in addition to the fact that there is also a huge number of educators in charge of providing such important information. Being in these roles, the monetary part can be seen as a bit compromised, and, because of this, Samsung decided to create the Education Offers Program, offering the famous Samsung Education Discounts. This program, which has been running for a few years, and is from one of the largest companies worldwide and especially in technology, has as its function to be able to help this large student and educational population, in general, to be able to obtain a big amount of products belonging to Samsung, with cheaper prices than those that could normally be found in the market. This is due to the fact that some of the products that are within this program can be used to facilitate the teaching and learning process, thus improving the various instruments that are provided in the institutes. This is due to the fact that some of the products that are within this program can be used to facilitate the teaching and learning process, thus improving the various instruments that are provided in the institutes. Moreover, Samsung’s program ensures that students can enjoy the convenience of using high-quality gadgets like phones or tablets, which are crucial for accessing the assignment help website and other educational resources. So, whether students are struggling with their assignments or seeking to improve their academic performance, Samsung’s program offers a comprehensive solution to all their needs. It is worth noting that, although Samsung is not the first company to have a program of this type, it is one of the most important ones, since they offer great availability and good prices. How Do The Discounts Work? This ingenious program provides students, family members, and educators with up to 30% discount on the products that the company has, thus being something additional in those cases of products that already have their own discount. In a simpler way, when using this program, all products and devices will be able to be purchased with a discount of up to 30%, which are above and above any current promotions that may be running. The way in which Samsung Education Discounts can be accessed is relatively simple: First, the user must become eligible. Students and educators will have to create a Samsung account with their valid .edu email address, which is provided by the school they attend or work with. Once this has been done, they will be able to sign in with the .edu email address to take advantage of the savings. Likewise, an active UNiDAYS account can be used. After having started the session through the Samsung website, you must click on the “Offers” tab on top. There, there will be the option of “Offer Programs”, which will lead directly to the “Education Offers Program”. After logging in, customers can either shop by category (if looking to save on a specific product) or browse “All Student Offers” to see the various products available through the discount program. An Important Part: The Programs Restrictions Having talked about the program in general and its positive points, it must be clarified that it has some general restrictions and limitations for those who are already registered. Although you can find very good offers, they have a limited time and are only available online. Also, there’s a limit of two products per product category or email address each year, so while you will be able to get a good discount on most of the products, only a few will be able to be obtained in a short period of time. What Are The Best Products To Buy? At the time of entering the website, and although it is an Education Offers Program, the reality is that not all the products available are necessarily for schools, but rather it is a regular website of Samsung, where there is a huge variety of products. It is because of this that it is important to differentiate the best products to be used when teaching and learning, and the best ones for these are: 1. Smartphones We are in a technological era, and although smartphones are used for entertainment and social communication with friends and family, the reality is that they are a great help not only for maintaining direct communication between student and teacher but also are crucial sources of information, since you can investigate any definition or topic in a matter of seconds, even reaching the amazing assignment help website. Moreover, smartphones help you improve your workflow and productivity with various productivity apps. In recent times, a smartphone is a MUST. 2. Tablets Tablets are not much more than smartphones with a smaller size. By connecting to various internet networks, these become an open door to general research, in addition to the fact that they can also have specialized apps for study and teaching, even containing various educational books. 3. Smartwatches Mostly used as a product to keep track of the exercise performed, smartwatches help improve communication between people, in addition to having special apps, notes, and, above all, alarms and special announcements that could help to have better control of time and various responsibilities. 4. Earbuds You might think that a product like earbuds would not be used in the student environment, however, they can be used in meetings or online exhibitions, especially for those students who carry out their studies virtually. In addition to that, they can be useful to rest your mind a bit by listening to good music. FAQ Can any student use this program? Yes. All you need is to be able to prove that you’re enrolled in a university course and can prove your student status, as well as a university email address. Other than that, any student can join. Can any educator use this program? Yes. In the same way as students, educators must be able to prove their current work, providing information required by the page, as well as the email address given by the university. Can discounts be used in physical stores? Technically, yes, but only at standalone Samsung stores. They cannot be used in third-party stores, or on web pages. What are the products that enter the program? Any product that has been released by Samsung can be purchased with these discounts. The only thing is that some will have better prices than others. What do you think about these Samsung Education Discounts? Do you think it’s worth investing in something like this? Let us know in the comments!