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World of Warcraft – Why Is It Still Popular in 2023?

If there is one game that has kept people crazy after itself even after years of release, it has to be World of Warcraft. The game was initially released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment and has ever since been growing when it comes to the user base. As of May 2023, it has more than 26,048,533 players and 1,197,461 active players, making it the leading MMO on the market. 

World of Warcraft or WoW for short, is an online multiplayer game that allows players to create a player and explore the world of infinites. Users can fight monsters, complete quests and interact with other players. They can gain experience points to make their character more powerful and gain new powers. Moreover, users can also play the game solo without interacting with others. 

World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Why Millions of People Still Play World of Warcraft?

The game has managed to gain more than 2 million total users, and it is possible because of the wide range of opportunities it provides. It has a world of its own, where you get to be true. And become the strongest player the game has seen. There are several reasons why it has managed to score and maintain the leading position when it comes to MMO games. Following are some of the reasons the game has managed to make a place in the heart of users.

1) On Going World of Opportunites

The World of Warcraft was released more than a decade ago, but this doesn’t mean the game has stopped receiving updates. Ever since its release, the game has gotten around 9 major expansions, keeping it relevant all the time. 

  • The Burning Crusade (2007)
  • Wrath of the Lich King (2008)
  • Cataclysm (2010)
  • Mists of Pandaria (2012)
  • Warlords of Draenor (2014)
  • Legion (2016)
  • Battle for Azeroth (2018)
  • Shadowlands (2020)
  • Dragonflight (2022)

Moreover, the game keeps on introducing new characters, better powers, explorable maps, and dungeons. This keeps the user more intrigued towards the gaming and platform and they never tend to get bored from it. In easy words, there is no end to the game, and that keeps gamers hooked up.

Speaking of dungeons, there’s the newly released ‘Dawn of the Infinite’ dungeon which is the first ever level 70 Dragonflight mega dungeon. One can grab the dawn of the infinite boost and quickly pass the dungeon and collect shiny rewards.

2) Visually Appealing

As soon as a user logs in to the game, they see the most fascinating visuals. The game has always made sure they have updated visuals, making the game look brand new. It uses some of the latest engines to provide visually appealing gameplay, that even some new MMOs have failed to gain.

3) Easy to Understand

The one thing that has always set apart the game from other MMOs is the ease of playing. WoW is a very easy and straightforward game to understand that invites new players to it. As soon as a new player shows up, they have an extensive tutorial that lets every player know about how the game works. From understanding fighting techniques to maximizing their characters, users can understand everything in a bit. It makes the gamers hook to the game from the very beginning as it intrigues their interest in the game. Moreover, the franchise also released WoW Classic in 2019, it is even usable for users who are returning to the game. It lets them know and understand all the changes that have been made to the game ever since they were gone. 

4) Infinite Gameplay

The World of Warcraft understands in order to keep the users playing the game, the most important thing is to give them an open playing field. From the beginning, users can choose from one of the two continents and start their journey of becoming the best. But Blizzard Entertainment knew that people wanted more, and they gave the users exactly that. With the release of every expansion, the game introduces a new continent. 

It allows users to explore more content, better adventures and fully enjoy every bit of the game. People want more and the game is giving them more, as new challenges occur. Consumers feel the urge to complete that eventually hooks them up to play the game for longer. Now the game has zombies, spaceships, ogres, knights, and anything you can imagine. 

5) Play It As You Like

The WoW franchise understands that every player is different and demands something of their own. Keeping that in mind, users can enjoy the game however they like. If you like playing solo, you can go on a quest to find materials and maximize your character. Users can enjoy the world on their own and do anything they want. 

Or if you want to fight off battles and find out where you stand, users can take on battles in PvP mode. With your friends, you can raid a dungeon or fight off anyone you want. The interaction mode makes it quite addictive for consumers and allows them to chill while playing. It can also be played in an RP (role-play) mode and become the king of your own kingdom.

6) The Most Addictive Game

The World of Warcraft is based on a monthly subscription, which itself is an important reason to play the game. As soon as you pay the first subscription, there is no going back. The game keeps you hooked by bombarding new features. It gives the users a reason to play the game as they want to make the most out of their money.

The new quests, maps, weapons, etc call you every time, and users fall into the trap. They can’t resist playing the game as they believe it wastes their money if not played much. Another update by the franchise that hooked players was, allowing them to buy WoW game time with the use of WoW tokens. 

7) The Epic Storyline

The game keeps on introducing new and exciting elements, but this doesn’t mean that it just throws random stuff in the air. One of the reasons for its popularity is the attention to detail for everything. Be it introducing a new character, map, or gun, etc, the game makes sure there is a back story to everything being introduced. It allows the users to indulge in the gameplay and feel like they are making an impact. 

It makes them better understand what is happening and keeps them gripped on playing more and more. The game has some of the most impressive addition of elements, making it rise above the ocean of other MMOs. 

8) The Brotherhood

Any online game keeps the user intrigued with the help of its community, and the World of Warcraft has gotten the best community. It has players who have aged with the game, giving them a deeper insight into how the game works. The old players are very welcoming of the newbies and guide them through every step. It makes the game quite interesting for someone who’s just starting out in the world of opportunities. 

Wrapping it Up

The best part about the game is that it never gets old. One day you can fight the world with your friends, the next day you can enjoy your own peace and maximize your character. From evolving maps to expanding gameplay, the game has everything that it takes to be an addictive game. It is the reason after almost 20 years, the game holds a special place in the heart of its players.

These were all our reasons that make the game popular even in 2023, if we have missed any reasons let us know in the comments. Also, let us know what are the reasons you are hooked to the game.

Happy Gaming!