Home Latest News Recently, Xiaomi India has confirmed that the company will be holding an event on June 7. The event will be the platform for a new smartphone (most probably Redmi Y2). Today, Xiaomi send another invites and teases as with the latest photo clarifying some of the features of upcoming flagship. Getting into details, the Chinese giant posted an invite containing the image of a camera lens. We should also note that Xiaomi India is constantly teasing us on its official Twitter account (Redmi India). This one is no exception. All teasers contain #FindYourSelfie and #RealYou hashtags. This hints that the upcoming Xiaomi flagship will have the camera (rear and front selfie) as the main highlight. Also Read: Here’s How To Get MIUI 10 Beta Before Others – A Step-By-Step Guide! The teaser released today illustrates a sketch of a human face at one side and a camera sensor on the other side. It could mean two things: First, the selfie camera features AI portrait or beauty mode Second, which is less likely, is the phone to support face-recognition Xiaomi recently released Redmi S2 featuring the same 16 MP front camera featuring AI beauty. Moreover, there’s a dedicated front LED as well. With the 2μm large pixel camera, the phone can capture some stunning and beautiful selfies even in low light conditions. Xiaomi says that it’s the best Redmi selfie phone till date. Click. Flaunt. Repeat. The Real You smartphone coming soon #FindYourSelfie pic.twitter.com/3VU7DxE9kp — Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) May 23, 2018 Could it be the recently released Redmi S2 renamed as Xiaomi Redmi Y2? Or Xiaomi India has planned sometime unexpected or bigger? Only time can tell. Here are some of the recent tweets by Redmi India regarding the event: There are two kinds of people.1. Let's take a picture2. Let's take a selfieWhich one are you? #FindYourSelfie pic.twitter.com/PNhLiDKhJx — Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) May 18, 2018 #FindYourSelfie coming soon! pic.twitter.com/SFHInObVs5See alsoCoolpad Fengshang 50 Lite debuts for less than $100Muhammad Arbaz·September 4, 2024 — Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) May 19, 2018 You surely know which feature we are talking about 😉Guess & win F-codes #FindYourSelfie pic.twitter.com/qYxkIRuSvZ — Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) May 22, 2018 Xiaomi Redmi Y2 (Redmi S2) Specifications 5.99-inch, HD+ Full-screen display 3/4GB RAM and 32GB/64GB ROM Snapdragon 625 SoC 13MP + 5MP rear and 16 MP front AI camera 3,080mAh battery MIUI 9 (Android 8.1 Oreo) Also Read: Xiaomi Mi 8 Release Date is Now Official – Two Variants Price Leaks! Xiaomi Redmi Y2 Pricing (Rumored) Xiaomi Redmi Y2 will have a price around Rs.10,999 INR ($161) for the standard version. Meanwhile, the highest variant will be priced as high as Rs.15000 INR ($219).