Home Latest News Overseas netizens have announced the official parameters of the Realme 12 Pro+. It will come with a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset, a 6.7-inch OLED hyperbolic screen, a 32MP front camera, dual cameras on the back, a 5000mAh battery, and much more. The release date of the device is yet to be confirmed. Leak Highlights The Realme 12 Pro+ will come with a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset It has a 6.7-inch OLED hyperbolic screen that supports 120Hz refresh rate The device will have a 32MP front camera and triple cameras on the back (50MP, 64MP and 8MP) It will have a 5000mAh battery and will run on Realme UI 5.0 Specifications of the Realme 12 Pro+ The Realme 12 Pro+ will be getting its processing power from Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 mobile chipset. It will have a 6.7-inch OLED hyperbolic screen with a resolution of 2412 x 1080. The screen will support a 120Hz refresh rate for a smoother experience. It will have a 32MP front camera and triple cameras on the back. The primary lens would be 50MP (Sony IMX89), and other lenses of 8MP ultra-wide angle and 64MP periscope telephoto (Howe OV64B that supports up to 120x digital zoom). It will have a battery capacity of 5000mAh, thickness of 8.75mm, and weight of 196g. The device will have dual speakers, Dolby Atmos, screen fingerprint recognition, and will be running on Realme UI 5.0 (Android 14). See alsoApple iPhone 16 and 16 Plus Debut with A16 ProcessorsMuhammad Arbaz·September 10, 2024 The specifications of the phone look promising, however, the release date is yet to be confirmed. What price do you think the phone would be released for? Source (Weibo, in Chinese)