
Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – AnTuTu, Specs

So far this year, a considerable number of processors have been launched on the market, and it is always curious to know the differences between them and some of those that have come out in previous years. Samsung launched the Exynos 880 a few months ago and, to see how the processors develop or lag, we decided to compare it with two processors from another big technology company, Qualcomm. Welcome to the new Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G comparison!

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Release Date Comparison

Before talking about their specs, let’s talk a bit about when these processors were released. The Exynos 880 is the most recent, as it was released on May 26 of this year. In second place we have the Snapdragon 730G, which saw the light of the market last year on April 9, 2019 and, finally, being the “oldest” we have the Snapdragon 765G, which was presented on December 6, 2019.

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Specification Sheet (Specs) Comparison

SoC Exynos 880 Snapdragon 765G Snapdragon 730G
Release Date May 26, 2020 December 6, 2019 April 9, 2019
Process 8nm FinFET 7nm LPP EUV 8nm FinFET
CPU 2 x high-performance Cortex A77 cores running at a speed of 2GHz
6 x low-performance Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 1.8GHz
1 x high-performance Kryo 475 Prime Cortex-A76 running at a speed of 2.4GHz
1 x high-performance Kryo 475 Gold Cortex-A76 running at a speed of 2.2GHz
6 x energy-efficient Kryo 475 Silver Cortex-A55 running at a speed of 1.8GHz
2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A76 running at a speed of 2.2GHz
6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 running at a speed of 1.8GHz
GPU Mali-G76 MP5 Adreno 620 @625MHz Adreno 618 @700MHz
AI NPU and DSP integrated Hexagon 696 Hexagon 688
Connectivity 5G NR Sub-6GHz, LTE Cat-16 / Cat-18, Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi 5, radio FM Internal X52 5G/LTE (5G: download up to 3.7 Gbit/s, Upload: up to 1.6 Gbit/s; LTE: download Cat 24, up to 1200 Mbit/s, upload Cat 22, up to 210 Mbit/s) 5G: Not Supported Snapdragon X15
D/L Speed: 800 Mbps (LTE cat.15)
Downlink 3×20 MHz CA
U/L Speed: 150 Mbps (LTE cat.13)
Uplink 2×20 MHz CA

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Process Comparison

First off let us start with the process technology which determines the power consumption and performance of the SoC. Keep in mind the lower the number the better is the performance as well as battery life efficiency. First, we have the Snapdragon 765G which is based on a 7nm LPP EUV process, not only is the most updated, but it is also one of the most used in the current market. With that being said, both the Exynos 880 and the Snapdragon 730G are based in an 8nm FinFET process, that although it is not as updated as the 7nm, it still presents a great quality.

Winner: Snapdragon 765G

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – CPU Comparison

Starting with the CPU section, the Exynos 880 has a dual-cluster design (2 + 6) CPU, which consists of the following:

  • 2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A77 cores running at a speed of 2.0GHz
  • 6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 1.8GHz

On the other hand, the Snapdragon 765G has an odd tri-cluster design (1+1+6), which consists of the following:

  • 1 x high-performance Kryo 475 Prime Cortex A76 running at a speed of 2.4GHz
  • 1 x high-performance Kryo 475 Gold Cortex A76 running at a speed of 2GHz
  • 6 x energy-efficient Kryo 475 Silver Cortex A55 running at a speed of 1.8GHz

Lastly, the Snapdragon 730G has a dual-cluster design (2 + 6) CPU, which consists of the following:

  • 2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A76 running at a speed of 2.0GHz
  • 6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 running at a speed of 1.8GHz

Ranking each SoC in CPU performance of this Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G comparison, the Snapdragon 730G comes in the last place because:

  • Outdated Cortex A76 cores

The Exynos 880 and SD 765G are considered tie here because:

  • SD 765G has a frequency boost of 2.4GHz for the highest core
  • Exynos 880 matches the performance of SD 765G upper and mid cores with the latest two Cortex A77 cores

Winner: Tie (Exynos 880 and Snapdragon 765G)

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – GPU Comparison

Inside of the GPU in Exynos 880, there is an ARM Mali-G76 MP5, which promises “3D graphics with high frame rate in games”, APIs and various optimizations for on-screen graphics. It debuts an image signal processor that supports up to five individual sensors for cameras and can process three sensors.

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – GPU Comparison

On the other hand, the Snapdragon 765G has upgraded its GPU from Adreno 618 to 620 which has a speed of 625MHz; moreover, it’s overclocked as well compared to the standard Snapdragon 765 (18% better graphics). The 765G’s Adreno 620 GPU has 38% better performance than the Adreno 618 in the 730G. And don’t forget about the gaming optimizations done for this SoC.

On the other hand, the Snapdragon 730G works with the Adreno 618, manufactured by Qualcomm itself, which has a speed of 700MHz. That being said, this processor has been overclocked to offer between 15% and 25% more power.

SoC Exynos 880 Snapdragon 765G Snapdragon 730G
GPU Mali-G76 MP5 Adreno 620 @625MHz Adreno 618 @700MHz

Winner: Snapdragon 765G

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

First, the Snapdragon 765G processor has managed to obtain an impressive score of 302,847 points.

Snapdragon 765G

On the second place we have the Exynos 880 that scores around 293,236 points on AnTuTu v8.

Exynos 880

Last but not least we have the Snapdragon 730G processor that scored a total of 259,109 points.

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

Winner: Snapdragon 765G

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – AI Comparison

Relating to this category, inside the Exynos 880 are a built-in NPU and DSP for on-device AI processing and both share a driver and DMA (direct memory access) for faster and more efficient performance.

Now, talking about the Snapdragon 765G, Qualcomm’s fifth-generation AI engine found inside is carried partially intact, featuring the Hexagon 696 DSP with a dedicated Tensor Throttle. The setup has 5.5 TOPS of AI compute, that’s roughly a third of the 15 TOPS that can be seen on the SD865, but not that far from the 7.5 TOPS found inside the SD 855. Basically, this processor has a very decent AI performance.

With that said, the Snapdragon 730G incorporates the Hexagon 688 DSP to move artificial intelligence code, and adds the Vector eXtensions, in addition to the Hexagon Tensor Accelerator. That means that the chip is not only responsible for coordinating the rest of the processor but also has a specific execution unit. And to top it off, we have a neural processing SDK also included.

To rank the AI performance, we will consider the official AI-benchmark rankings:

  • SD 765G – 25.0 points
  • Exynos 880 – 18.8 points
  • SD 730G – 19.5 points

Winner: Snapdragon 765G

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Connectivity Comparison

The connectivity features of the Exynos 880 include an integrated 5G modem that supports download speeds of up to 2.55Gbps and upload speeds of up to 1.28Gbps on NR 5G sub-6GHz networks. The chipset’s dual E-UTRA-NR connectivity combines LTE 5G and 4G networks to deliver a download speed of up to 3.55Gbps and an upload speed of up to 1.38Gbps. It appears to be the same modem used in the Exynos 980. Other features of the Exynos 880 SoC include dual-band Wifi b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 5.0, FM radio, GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, WiFi 5 and USB Type-C port.

With that said, in the connectivity department, the Snapdragon 765G supports 5G networking and is the first upper-mid SoC to provide this networking. This processor integrates the X52 modem (internal) which gives 5G download up to 3.7 Gbit/s and upload up to 1.6 Gbit/s. Moreover, it also supports WiFi 6 and Global 5G networking consisting of sub-6GHz in Europe and Asia and mmWave 5G in the US.

Having said that, the Snapdragon 730G by Qualcomm chip includes a range of other features like a fast X15 LTE radio (800 Mbits Cat 15 download, 150 Mbps Cat 13 upload), one of the first Wifi 6 wireless radios (802.11ax) and satellite positioning ( GPS, QZSS, GLONASS, SBAS, Beidou, Galileo). There’s no 5G support in SD 730G.

Connectivity 5G NR Sub-6GHz, LTE Cat-16 / Cat-18, Bluetooth 5.0, WiFi 5, radio FM Internal X52 5G/LTE (5G: download up to 3.7 Gbit/s, Upload: up to 1.6 Gbit/s; LTE: download Cat 24, up to 1200 Mbit/s, upload Cat 22, up to 210 Mbit/s)
WiFi 6
5G: Not Supported Snapdragon X15
D/L Speed: 800 Mbps (LTE cat.15)
Downlink 3×20 MHz CA
U/L Speed: 150 Mbps (LTE cat.13)
Uplink 2×20 MHz CA

Winner: Snapdragon 765G


  • SD 765G has better download and upload speed on 5G
  • SD 765G has WiFi 6 support

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Other Specs Comparison

Now talking about some other specifications of these three processors, the Exynos 880’s advanced image signal processor supports up to five individual sensors and can process three sensors at once, while allowing a maximum resolution of a single 64 megapixel camera and a 20 megapixel dual camera rating for each camera. As for the video, the Exynos 880 multi-format codec supports 4K video recording and playback at 30fps (frames per second). A chipset that has already entered mass production and will debut with the Y70s.

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Other Specs Comparison

We also come across the photographic support of the Snapdragon 765G for sensors up to 192 megapixels without zero shutter lag or the 36 megapixels with this feature or dual devices with 22 megapixels per sensor. The video is kept in 4K HDR and can reach 480fps in HD or 720p quality.

That being said, the Snapdragon 730G incorporates new features in the photographic aspect, such as the possibility of mounting sensors up to 192 megapixels, or the assistant for the focus, or the Portrait mode in video, functional even capturing at 60 frames per second. A highly photographic chip that also supports up to three cameras and up to 5x optical zoom.

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – Price Comparison

Finally, to see what is the best option among these processors at the budget level, we have to know the price of the phones they are on. In this category, the Snapdragon 730G cheapest phone is Realme X2 priced around $232.

Coming in second place we have the Snapdragon 765G, which is present in the Redmi K30 that is available in the market with a price of around $279. The offers the best price/performance ratio under mid-end phones.

Finally, and being in third place in this category, we have the Exynos 880 which is priced $256 in Vivo Y51s. It’s old to see a Exynos used inside of a non-Samsung phone.

Winner: Snapdragon 730G (lowest price)

Winner: Snapdragon 765G (best price/performance ratio)

Our Verdict

In this Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G comparison, our pick is the Snapdragon 765G. Why? Because it provides the best CPU, GPU and connectivity performance, the latest process, and the highest AnTuTu score.

I will choose Snapdragon 765G if:

  • I want to long and smooth gaming sessions
  • I want best price/performance ratio in mid-end phones
  • I want better camera
  • I want the latest 7nm process
  • I want better AnTuTu scores

I will choose Exynos 880 if:

  • I want Cortex A77 core

I will choose Snapdragon 730G if:

  • I’m limited on budget

Snapdragon 765G (6 points)| Exynos 880 (2 points) | Snapdragon 730G (0 point)

Overall Winner: Snapdragon 765G

We hoped that you loved this Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G comparison. Which one is your favorite SoC? Let us know in the comments!

Information is taken from (1), (2)

Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G – AnTuTu, Specs
In this Exynos 880 vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 730G comparison, our pick is the Snapdragon 765G. Why? Because it provides the best CPU, GPU and connectivity performance, the latest process, and the highest AnTuTu score.
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