
MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – AnTuTu, Specs

Recently, MediaTek Helio G95 came out. How does it perform against the other top MTK’s SoCs? What are the Helio G95 AnTuTu scores and specs in comparison to G90T and P95? Let’s find out in this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison:

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 In-depth Comparison

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – Release Date Comparison

Before talking about their specs, let’s talk a bit about when these processors were released. The Helio G95 is the most recent, as it was released on September 1, 2020. In second place we have the Helio P95, which saw the light of the market last year on February 23, 2020 of this year and, finally, being the “oldest” we have the Helio G90T, which was presented on July 30, 2019.

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – Specification Sheet (Specs) Comparison

SoCHelio G95Helio G90THelio P95
Release DateSeptember 1, 2020 July 30, 2019 February 23, 2020
CPU2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A76 cores running at a speed of 2.05GHz
6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 2.0GHz
2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A76 cores running at a speed of 2.05GHz
6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 2.0GHz
2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A75 cores running at a speed of 2.2GHz
6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 2.0GHz
GPUARM Mali-G76 MC4 @900MHzMali-G76 3EEMC4 @800MHz IMG PowerVR GM 9446 @970MHz
AI2x MediaTek APU @750MHz2x MediaTek APU @750MHzMediaTek’s APU 2.0
Connectivity4G LTE (Cat-12 DL 600Mbps / Cat-13 UL 150Mbps)
WiFi 5 (a/b/g/n/ac)
Bluetooth 5.0
4G LTE Cat. 12, download speed up to 600 Mbps and upload speed up to 150 Mbps
WiFi 5
Bluetooth 5.0
4G LTE Cat. 12, download speed up to 600 Mbps and upload speed up to 150 Mbps
WiFi 6
Bluetooth 5.0

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – Process Comparison

First off let us start this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison. with the process technology which determines the power consumption and performance of the SoC. Keep in mind the lower the number the better is the performance as well as battery life efficiency. In relation to this we get a triple tie because these three processors have the same process, and that is that  they are based on a 12nm technology . Yes, it is a fact that this is not the most up-to-date technology on the market as the 7nm process is reigning, however, paired with the right features it can deliver great efficiency.

Winner: Tie (Helio G95, Helio G90T and Helio P95)

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – CPU Comparison

Starting with the CPU section, the Helio G95 and G90T have dual-cluster design (2 + 6) CPU, which consists of the following:

  • 2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A76 cores running at a speed of 2.05GHz
  • 6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 2.0GHz

On the other hand, the Helio P95 also has an dual-cluster design (2 + 6) CPU, which consists of the following:

  • 2 x high-performance ARM Cortex A75 cores running at a speed of 2.2GHz
  • 6 x low-performance ARM Cortex A55 cores running at a speed of 2.0GHz

Ranking each SoC in CPU performance of this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison, the Helio P95 comes in the last place because:

  • Outdated Cortex A75 cores (even if it has a slightly higher frequency)

The Helio G95 and Helio G90T are considered tie here because:

  • Cortex A76 cores and same frequency

Winner: Tie (Helio G95 and Helio G90T)

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – GPU Comparison

In this category, the MediaTek Helio G95 features the same ARM Mali-G76 MC4 (4 cores) that can be seen in the Helio G90T, however, the frequency in the G95 has increased from 800MHz to 900MHz which brings 8% increase in graphical performance. Moreover, the SoC also features MediaTek’s HyperEngine Technology for low latency. In fact, MediaTek says that the latency between cocurrent WiFi and LTE triggers is within 13 ms.

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – GPU Comparison

Now, the the GPU in the Helio P95 is the same as in Helio P90, the IMG PowerVR GM 9446, although according to MediaTek the performance has improved by 10%.

Helio G90T uses the same GPU as G95, however, the frequency is 800MHz which is 100MHz lesser than G95.

While the GPU inside the P95 is slightly higher clocked compared to the other two processors, the ARM Mali-G76 MC4 boasts greater power and process, so the G95 is the winner.

Winner: Helio G95

SoC Helio G95 Helio G90T Helio P95
GPU ARM Mali-G76 MC4 @900MHz Mali-G76 MC4 @800MHz IMG PowerVR GM 9446 @970MHz

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

Helio G95 AnTuTu benchmark score is around 300,000 points on the Realme 7.

In comparison, the MediaTek Helio G90T AnTuTu v8 score is around 291,000 points.

Lastly, MediaTek Helio P95 AnTuTu v8 score is around 190,000 to 207,000 points on OPPO Reno 3 Pro 4G.

AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

Winner: Helio G95

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – AI Comparison

Regarding the AI, both the Helio G95 and G90T support a dual-core MediaTek APU running at a speed of @750MHz. G90T has an AI score of 20.2 on AI benchmark. With the increase in frequency of GPU, the AI score will increase to around 21.0 of G95, however, it will still not be able to beat Snapdragon 720G.

On the other hand, MTK claims that Helio P95’s APU 2.0 (AI processing unit) achieves a 10% increase in benchmark performance versus the previous generation. It’s AI benchamrk isn’t mentioned but with the 10% increase from previous generation, it will be around 23.8 (P90 has a score of 22.8).

The dual core APU of G90T and G95 gets beaten why the APU 2.0 of P95. Moreover, the upgraded version which is APU 3.0 is present in Dimensity 1000+ which tops the AI benchmark, currently.

Winner: Helio P90

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – Connectivity Comparison

Moving to the connectivity aspect of this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison, firstly, all three SoCs doesn’t support 5G networking. 

The Helio G95 supports 4G LTE network with Dual 4G standby. 5G is not supported on this MediaTek processor. As for the 4G LTE, the maximum download speed is 600 Mbps and upload speed is 150 Mbps. Other connectivity features include WiFi 5 (ac) support and Bluetooth 5.0 module.

Having said that, the Helio G90T comes with the modem Cat-12, 3xCA offering better upload and download speeds and incredible signal strength (4×4 MIMO). Other connectivity features include Wifi 5 ac, Bluetooth 5.0.

Lastly, the Helio P95 does not present changes, since it maintains the 4G connectivity of its predecessor by including the 4G LTE modem. It also maintains support for Wifi 5 and Bluetooth 5.0. Nor are there changes in terms of support for VoLTE, WFC and FM radio calls.


Connectivity 4G LTE (Cat-12 DL 600Mbps / Cat-13 150Mbps UL)
WiFi 5 (a/b/g/n/ac)
Bluetooth 5.0
4G LTE Cat. 12, download speed up to 600 Mbps and upload speed up to 150 Mbps
WiFi 5 (a/b/g/n/ac)
Bluetooth 5.0
4G LTE Cat. 12, download speed up to 600 Mbps and upload speed up to 150 Mbps
WiFi 6 (a/b/g/n/ac)
Bluetooth 5.0

Winner: Tie (Helio G95, Helio G90T and Helio P95)

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – Other Specs Comparison

About the Helio G95, the RAM, storage, and camera features remain the same which are 10GB LPDDR4X (2133MHz), UFS 2.1/eMMC 5.1, and max single camera support up to 64 megapixels along with multi-camera support.

With that said, the camera mount of the Helio G90T stands out for allowing single-lens cameras up to 64 megapixels with quad-pixel technology (merging 4 pixels into one for better lighting and details), or duals up to 24 megapixels + 16 megapixels. It also supports combinations of three and four lenses, with an integrated depth calculation engine and support for video recording at up to 240 fps.

Camera support has also not changed in the Helio P95 processor. Camera support of up to 64 megapixels is maintained in case of a single lens or support for double cameras of 24 megapixels + 16 megapixels. The supported video recording is up to 2840 x 2160.

 Winner: Tie (Helio G95, Helio G90T and Helio P95)

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – Price Comparison

About prices, and since the Helio G95 it’s MediaTeK SoC, it will be available in different phone manufacturers including Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo, OPPO, and more. At the moment, it’s only available in Realme 7 which will be debuting on September 7. The expected price of this phone is around $200 to $250.

On the other hand, the Redmi Note 8 Pro, which inside has the Helio G90T processor, is sold in the world market along with a very attractive price tag of $250.

Finally, the Helio P95 is seen in OPPO Reno 3 Pro 4G (India) which has a price of $381.

No doubt, Helio G95 provides the best price/performance ratio, since the price difference between G90T and G95 isn’t that much for most phones.

Winner: Helio G95

Our Verdict

In this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison, our pick is the Helio G95. Why? Because it provides the best CPU, GPU and connectivity performance, and also it has the highest AnTuTu score.

I will choose Helio G95 if:

  • I want best price/performance ratio
  • I want better AnTuTu scores
  • I want better CPU and GPU performance
  • I want better and smooth gaming sessions

I will choose Helio G90T if:

  • I want better price

I will choose Helio P95 if:

  • I want better AI and AI features (AI camera filters etc.)

Helio G95 (7 points)| Helio G90T (5 points) | Helio P95 (4 points)

Overall Winner: Helio G95

We hoped that you loved this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison. Which one is your favorite SoC? Let us know in the comments!

Information is taken from (1)

MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 – AnTuTu, Specs
In this MediaTek Helio G95 vs G90T vs P95 comparison, our pick is the Helio G95. Why? Because it provides the best CPU, GPU and connectivity performance, and also it has the highest AnTuTu score.
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  1. 5
    crack this for me asap

    for better gpu , g95> g90t right? , then why games like pubg supports extreme frame rates with g90t (60fps)(in realme 6 and redmi note 8 pro) , and limited to 40fps in with g95(realme 7)

    1. The problem is with the game, not the GPU. Are you solely determining the GPU performance via a single game? Pubg mobile is famous for not providing extreme or even ultra frame rates to worthy devices. For example, my Galaxy Note 8 (Exynos version) can easily run at ultra frame rates, however, PUBG mobile if run without any third-party app, provides only high frame rates and only HD settings. This doesn’t mean that my phone’s GPU is bad or underpowered.
      Another example is the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro which has a 90fps frame rate in PUBG Mobile. It has SD 865, so why doesn’t other phones with SD 865 provide a 90fps frame rate gameplay?
      If you want to bypass the limitation set by the game for a phone, just use GFXTool or any other 3rd party app. That’s simple!

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