
MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 | AnTuTu, Specs Comparison

Over the past couple of months, on this page we have taken it upon ourselves to show all our followers the great comparisons between the best processors that each of our favorite companies has presented to users of smart devices, and today we came to show you a new battle between MediaTek and Huawei, and that is the new MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 comparison. Here we will show you all their specifications and features, as well as everything they have to offer us!

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 Comparison – Which one is the Better Mid-end SoC?

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Release Date Comparison

Before we talk about the specs found inside these three processors, let’s quickly talk about when they were released. First we have the most recent processor, the Dimensity 720 which was launched less than a month ago, on July 25. In second place is the Kirin 820 that saw the light of the market on March 30 and, being in third place and being the one that has the longest since its launch is the Kirin 810 that was launched on June 21, 2019.

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Specification Sheet (Specs) Comparison

SoC MediaTek Dimensity 720 Kirin 810 Kirin 820
Release Date July 25 June 21, 2019 March 30
Process 7nm TSMC 7nm TSMC 7nm TSMC
CPU 4x high-performance Cortex–A76 cores running @2.0GHz

4x low-performance Cortex–A55 cores running @2.0GHz

4x high-performance Cortex–A76 cores running @2.27GHz

4x low-performance Cortex–A55 cores running @1.88GHz

1x high-performance Cortex–A76 core running @2.36GHz

3x mid-performance Cortex-A76 core running @2.2GHz

4x power-efficient Cortex–A55 cores running @1.84GHz

GPU ARM Mali-G57 MC3 Mali-G52 Mali-G57 MP6
AI MediaTek APU Da-Vinci AI Engine Da-Vinci AI Engine
Connectivity 5G dual-sim networking and Bluetooth 5.1 Dual VoLTE or VoLTE, 4G and Bluetooth 5.0 Balong 5000 5G Modem, SA-NSA 5G Mode and Multi-Mode 5G networks and Bluetooth 5.1

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Process Comparison

In relation to the process of these processors, all three have a TSMC 7nm process that makes them three of the best processors on the current market, in addition to being N7 process.

Winner: Tie (MediaTek Dimensity 720, Kirin 810 and Kirin 820)

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – CPU Comparison

Starting with the CPU section, the MediaTek Dimensity 720 has a dual-cluster design (4 + 4) CPU, which consists of the following:

  • 4x high-performance Cortex–A76 cores running @0GHz
  • 4x low-performance Cortex–A55 cores running @0GHz

On the other hand, the Kirin 810 also has a dual-cluster design (4 + 4) CPU, which consists of the following:

  • 4x high-performance Cortex–A76 cores running @27GHz
  • 4x low-performance Cortex–A55 cores running @88GHz

Lastly, the Kirin 820 uses a tri-cluster layout on the octa-core design with the (1+3+4) core distribution, which consists of the following:

  • 1x high-performance Cortex–A76 core running @36GHz
  • 3x mid-performance Cortex-A76 core running @2GHz
  • 4x power-efficient Cortex–A55 cores running @84GHz

Although these three processors have A76 and A55 cores, the winner will depend on the way in which these are distributed. In this case, the Dimensity 720 comes in last place, and all because of the speed at which its upper cores work. Having said that, and guided by these speeds, the Kirin 810 comes second, while the 820 is the winner in this category.

Winner: Kirin 820

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – GPU Comparison

Turning to talk about the GPUs that are inside these two powerful processors, in terms of GPU performance MediaTek Dimensity 720, much like the Dimensity 820, it’s still the mid-performance ARM Mali-G57 MC3 but instead of 5 cores, it’s reduced to 3 cores only. This will be suitable for low-end gaming including PUBG at low to mid graphics.

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – GPU Comparison

With that being said, the Kirin 810 uses a customized Mali-G52 GPU to take advantage of the AI features of the Smartphone in which it is installed. It has also been promised that HD games will always work at a minimum of 60FPS.

Last but not least, the Kirin 820 features the new 6-core Mali-G57 MP6. The G57 is a mid-end GPU series with the new Valhall architecture. It has 30% better graphical performance, 30% better energy efficiency, and up to 60% performance improvement for ML workloads when compared to the previous generation which is Mali-G52. It is based on a 16nm process and has a maximum frequency of 850MHz.

SoC MediaTek Dimensity 720 Kirin 810 Kirin 820
GPU ARM Mali-G57 MC3 Mali-G52 Mali-G57 MP6

Winner: Kirin 820

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

Being on the first place we have the Kirin 820, who scored a total of an amazing 375,270 points.

For the Kirin 810, this processor got a score of 305,540 points and gets to be in the second place.

AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

Lastly, the official MediaTek Dimesnity 720 AnTuTu score is around 301,380 points.

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – AnTuTu Benchmark Comparison

Winner: Kirin 820

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – AI Comparison

Now, talking about AI, MediaTek doesn’t state that it has the same MediaTek APU used in Dimensity 800 and 820. However, the company says that it has an AI acceleration and support AI camera features.

On the other hand, in 2019, Kirin 810 topped the AI scoring chart, and looks like Kirin 820 will again top the chart this 2020 for the mid-end because the Da-Vinci AI Engine has received a major improvement. Apart from the one big + two small cores, they have added another big core making it a quad-core design. Due to this, the AI performance is a freaking 73% better over the AI of Kirin 810, which its hidden weapon is the DaVinci NPU based on the Rubik’s Cube Quantitative Stereo Arithmetic Unit.

Winner: Kirin 820

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Connectivity Comparison

As for connectivity, and being similar to other Dimensity SoCs, the Dimensity 720 also supports 5G dual-sim networking with a max speed of 2.4Gbps. Other connectivity features are dual-band WiFi support and Bluetooth 5.1 module.

the Kirin 820 features the same network modem as the Kirin 990 5G which is the Balong 5000 5G Modem. This modem supports both the SA-NSA 5G Mode and Multi-Mode 5G networks.

The Kirin 810 supports dual VoLTE or VoLTE and 4G at the same time. That is, it will allow Huawei to offer mid-range mobiles with dual SIM where the two slots have good connectivity.

Connectivity 5G dual-sim networking and Bluetooth 5.1 Dual VoLTE or VoLTE, 4G and Bluetooth 5.0 Balong 5000 5G Modem, SA-NSA 5G Mode and Multi-Mode 5G networks and Bluetooth 5.1

Winner: Kirin 820

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Other Specs Comparison

Regarding the ISP (image signal processor) of the processors, the Dimensity 720 has been stripped down, having a single-camera support up to 64MP and dual-camera support up to 20MP+16MP only. Like said, we do have AI camera features and other camera features are completely changed removing Video HDR / Video NR / Video Bokeh / Video EIS / AI-Shutter / AI-AE / AI-AF / AI-AWB / AI-NR HDR / AI-HDR / AI-FD and replacing them with HDR-ISP, Multi-Frame NR, 3D Noise Reduction, Depth Engine, Warping Engine, AI-FD.

With that being said, the Kirin 5.0 Image Signal Processing Unit (ISP) in the Kirin 820 supports 4K video recording at 60fps as well as image capture with less noise. On the other hand, the Kirin 810 has its own ISP (Image Signal Processor) to improve the photographic quality result and HiAi 2.0 to improve the voice recording.

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Other Specs Comparison

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 – Price Comparison

Finally, to see what is the best option among these processors at the budget level, we have to know the price of the phones they are on. In this category, the Kirin 810 gets the first place, and that’s because it’s the cheapest of them all, being in the Honor Play 4T Pro that has a price of $213 – $241.

Coming in second place we have the MediaTek Dimensity 720, which is present in the recently launched OPPO A72 5G that is available in the market with a price of around $273.

Finally, and being in third place in this category, we have the Kirin 820 that will most likely be limited to Huawei flagships. The mid-end flagships from Huawei are much cheaper than Samsung, Vivo, OPPO, Sony and other famous manufacturers. Huawei Honor 30S will be the first phone to feature Kirin 820 with a starting price of $462.

Winner: Kirin 810

Our Verdict

In this MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 comparison, our pick is the Kirin 820. Why? Because it’s better than the Dimensity 720  and Kirin 810 in almost everything, whether it be gaming, AI, camera, CPU, or networking. Kirin 820 would have provided a bit of competition.

Kirin 820 (6 points) | Kirin 810 (2 points) | Dimensity 720 (1 point)

Overall Winner: Kirin 820

Which one is better, MediaTek Dimensity 720, Kirin 810 or Kirin 820?

Kirin 820 is better than MediaTek Dimensity 720 and Kirin 810 in every aspect whether it be gaming, CPU performance, connectivity, or AI.

We hoped that you loved this MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 comparison!

MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 | AnTuTu, Specs Comparison
In this MediaTek Dimensity 720 vs Kirin 810 vs Kirin 820 comparison, our pick is the Kirin 820. Why? Because it’s better than the Dimensity 720 and Kirin 810 in almost everything, whether it be gaming, AI, camera, CPU, or networking. Kirin 820 would have provided a bit of competition.
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