List of Smartphones Supporting Qualcomm QC 4+ (Certified, Updated)Roman.T·January 23, 2019Though the Quick Charge 4 charging technology (later evolved to Quick Charge 4+) was introduced in November 2016, we still...
9Total RatingLPDDR5 vs LPDDR4x vs LPDDR4 | In-Depth Speed, Specs, Phones ComparisonRoman.T·February 11, 2020·2 CommentsRandom Access Memory (RAM) has become a crucial factor for smartphone speed and simultaneously running applications at the same time....
WiFi 6 vs WiFi 7 – Speed, Frequency Comparison | What To Expect?Roman.T·April 22, 2020·2 CommentsIt must be said that the pace of development of this technology circle is getting faster and faster. While we...
Every MIUI Version Screenshot | MIUI Turns 10 Years OldRoman.T·August 6, 2020Yesterday, the UI of Xiaomi and Redmi phones turned 10 years. MIUI Android OS debuted in 2010. After 10 years,...
Discussion: Manufacturers to Revive Audio Jack In 2021 Starting With Samsung Galaxy S21Roman.T·August 20, 2020·1 CommentWhat started with the LeeCo LE 2, has reached almost every flagship phone which was the 3.5mm audio jack cancellation...
What is Air Charging In Smartphones? | Pros, Cons | PhonesRoman.T·January 30, 2021Recently, on Jan 29, Xiaomi officially released its self-developed air-to-air charging technology. Putting it in simple words, Air charging in...