Home Featured MIUI 9 update hit Xiaomi smartphones at the end of July. At that time the update was limited to a few Xiaomi smartphones including Mi 6, Redmi Note 4/4X and Mi 5X. But now half of the Xiaomi smartphones have received the update. You can download the official ROM from here. Meanwhile, Android 8.0 just released last month codenamed ‘Android Oreo.’ The new version of Android is limited to Google and Nexus devices right now but will be available on other smartphones as well. Before the release of Android 8.0, MIUI 9 has successfully made it clear that it’s the world’s fastest Android OS beating EMUI 5.1 and Samsung Experience. With the release of Android 8.0 will MIUI 9 successfully retain the title. The battle of MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 is on! What's Inside ToggleMIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – The Features and OptimizationWinnerMIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – Boot Speed ComparisonWinner: Android 8.0MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – App Opening and MultitaskingWinner: MIUI 9MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – App InstallationWinner: MIUI 9The VerdictOverall Winner: MIUI 9 MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – The Features and Optimization To be honest, MIUI 9 is the simplest, lightest, and the fastest Android 7.0 UI we have ever seen. The features such as image search, voice assistant, customize home screen and smart app launcher, makes the UI simple and the easiest to use. Xiaomi officials describe the OS in only one word which is: Fast It improves the system with underlying 12 black technology optimizations. It is the only Android UI which removed more than 50 functions which were less used by the users, only to become lighter and faster. MIUI guarantees the users that the OS won’t experience any over the period delaying which is actually true. There are some hidden features in the UI as well. However, on the other hand, Android 8.0 is a whole new Android platform. The background app monitoring has been improved. It allows some restrictions on certain apps of the user’s choice not to run in the background. The features include, new features include icon shapes, Dots for notifications similar to iOS, improved security, auto fill service, picture-in-picture mode, Wi-Fi aware, Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) 5.0 support, smart text selection and new New UI (App Category, New Android TV launcher, Android Studio). Google says that the speed of Android 8.0 is twice of Android 7.0 in every aspect. In the feature section of MIUI 9 vs Android 8.0, Android 8.0 has the upper hand regarding new features introduced. The Google smart assistant is way better than MIUI smart assistant which is still under development and will be perfect in MIUI 10. However, concerning the optimization, MIUI 9 is the winner. Because with the black technology, MIUI 9 will never get old and lag over time but Android 8.0 will. Winner Features: Android 8.0 Optimization: MIUI 9 MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – Boot Speed Comparison Google claims that Android 8.0 boot speed is twice faster than that of Android 7.0. Since MIUI 9 is based on Android 7.0. Let’s check the speed of both OS. As you can see the Android 8.0 started faster than MIUI 9 not in half time but 1 second before MIUI 9 completed the boot. I guess Google compared the speed with the official stock Android 7.0. Winner: Android 8.0 MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – App Opening and Multitasking Now heading to the most frequent daily task, app opening, and multitasking. Again, the official says that Android 8.0 has twice the speed than Android 7.0 in carrying daily activities including app opening and improved multitasking. So, let’s see how the new Android goes against MIUI 9: MIUI 9 is clearly the winner here. The time gap (23.5 seconds) between both OS is enormous. MIUI 9 finishes the job in 1minute and 31.6 seconds. Meanwhile, Android 8.0 took too long 1 minute and 55.1 seconds. Obviously, Android 8.0 is fast but lost in the app opening and multitasking competition because of the optimization. Plus, Android 8.0 has some fixes to do in the upcoming Android 8.1 update. Winner: MIUI 9 MIUI 9 Vs Android 8.0 – App Installation The famous Chinese ‘King of Glory’ was installed on both Android OS. Like the previous test, MIUI 9 is the winner. Android 8.0 took too long to install King of Glory. Plus, we should note that Xiaomi smartphones are highly optimized for gaming especially King of Glory. Winner: MIUI 9 The Verdict The test was conducted on Nexus 6P with SD 810 and 3GB RAM and Mi 5 with SD 820 and 4GB RAM. MIUI 9 hardware performance is almost twice than that of Android 8.0. MIUI 9 was already at an advantage from the start. Still, we were surprised to see that Android 8.0 went toe to toe with MIUI 9 even under mid specs. A mid-end Android 8.0 phone beat high-end phone Android 7.0 phone in boot performance. The real battle will be between a high-end Android 8.0 phone vs a high-end MIUI 9 phone, and Android 8.0 might even win that race. Stay tuned for more comparisons! Overall Winner: MIUI 9