Snapdragon 768

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 | AnTuTu | Specs Comparison

Recently, Snapdragon 768G debuted in Redmi K30 5G Speed Edition. Is it similar to Snapdragon 765 and SD 765G? What are the changes? Let’s find out in this Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 SoC comparison:

Note: This comparison is incomplete and based on rumored specs of Snapdragon 768G. We will update it once we have the official confirmation.

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – Is It Worth Calling An Upgrade?

Specs Sheet Comparison

SoC Snapdragon 768G
Snapdragon 765G Snapdragon 765
Process 7nm LPP EUV 7nm LPP EUV 7nm LPP EUV
CPU 1 x Kryo 475 Prime Cortex-A76 @ 2.8 GHz


1 x Kryo 475 Gold Cortex-A76 @2.2 GHz

6 x Kryo 475 Silver Cortex-A55 @ 1.8 GHz

1 x Kryo 475 Prime Cortex-A76 @ 2.4 GHz

1 x Kryo 475 Gold Cortex-A76 @2.2 GHz

6 x Kryo 475 Silver Cortex-A55 @ 1.8 GHz

1 x Kryo 475 Prime Cortex-A76 @ 2.3 GHz

1 x Kryo 475 Gold Cortex-A76 @2.2 GHz

6 x Kryo 475 Silver Cortex-A55 @ 1.8 GHz

GPU Adreno 620 @750MHz Adreno 620 @625 MHz Adreno 620 @625MHz
AI/DSP Hexagon 696 Hexagon 696 Hexagon 696
Camera Spectra 355(192 MP single camera /

22 MP at 30fps Dual Camera with MFNR/ZSL)

Spectra 355(192 MP single camera /

22 MP at 30fps Dual Camera with MFNR/ZSL)

Spectra 355(192 MP single camera /

22 MP at 30fps Dual Camera with MFNR/ZSL)

Video Capture 4K @ 30fps
FHD @ 60fps, 720p slow-mo @480 fps
4K @ 30fps
FHD @ 60fps, 720p slow-mo @480 fps
4K @ 30fps
FHD @ 60fps, 720p slow-mo @480 fps
Charging Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 4+ technology Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 4+ technology Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 4+ technology
Modem Internal X52 5G/LTE (5G: download up to 3.7 Gbit/s, Upload: up to 1.6 Gbit/s; LTE: download Cat 24, up to 1200 Mbit/s, upload Cat 22, up to 210 Mbit/s) Internal X52 5G/LTE (5G: download up to 3.7 Gbit/s, Upload: up to 1.6 Gbit/s; LTE: download Cat 24, up to 1200 Mbit/s, upload Cat 22, up to 210 Mbit/s) Internal X52 5G/LTE (5G: download up to 3.7 Gbit/s, Upload: up to 1.6 Gbit/s; LTE: download Cat 24, up to 1200 Mbit/s, upload Cat 22, up to 210 Mbit/s)
Phones Xiaomi Redmi K30 5G Speed Edition Redmi K30 5G OPPO Find X2 Lite, Moto Razr Fold 2

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – Release Date Comparison

Snapdragon 768G has recently announced on May 8, 2020 in the Redmi K30 5G Speed Edition. However, the official release is yet to be made which is May 11, 2020.

Snapdragon 765 and 765G was released back in 2019 on December 6. The Redmi K30 5G was the first phone to feature it.

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – Process Comparison

All three SoCs are based on the latest 7nm LPP EUV process by Samsung. It’s the same process used in Kirin 990 and Exynos 990.

The EUV process allows 10 billion transistors (10.3 billion transistors) on a board area which is 36% less compared to the previous generation.

Winner: None (Tied)

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – CPU Comparison

All three of the SoCs have an octa-core design with a tri-cluster layout (1+1+6).

Snapdragon 765 has 1 x Cortex A76 high-performance core running @2.3GHz, 1 x mid-end Cortex A76 running @2.2GHz. Meanwhile, there are 6 x Cortex A55 power-efficient SoCs running @1.8GHz.

Meanwhile, Snapdragon 765G has 1 x Cortex A76 high-performance core running @2.4GHz, 1 x mid-end Cortex A76 running @2.2GHz. Meanwhile, there are 6 x Cortex A55 power-efficient SoCs running @1.8GHz. Basically, everything is the same as SD 765 but the G variant has a slightly higher frequency for the high-performance core.

Finally, we have the new Snapdragon 768G. It has a 1 x Cortex A76 high-performance core running @2.8GHz, 1 x mid-end Cortex A76 running @2.2GHz. Meanwhile, there are 6 x Cortex A55 power-efficient SoCs running @1.8GHz.

Comparing all of them, we can clearly see that the SD 768G is the winner here because of higher clock speed of the Cortex A76 cores.

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – GPU Comparison

All three SoCs have Adreno 620 as the GPU. However, the frequency is different for the SoCs. Snapdragon 768G SoC runs on Adreno 620 which runs at the clock speed of 750 MHz. The Snapdragon 765G and 765 runs on the same GPU but @625MHz  So, the GPU section is experiencing a performance boost of around 15%.

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – AI Comparison Comparison

All of them have the latest Hexagon 696 NPU for AI tasks and operations. In terms of AI performance, the SD 765G TOPs score is 5.3. On AI-Benchmark scoring, all of the SoCs scores around 9108 points.

Winner: None (Tie)

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – AnTuTu Comparison

Moving to the scores of the AnTuTu Benchmark v8, official claims that the overall performance of the Snapdragon 768G has increased by about 10%, scoring around 360,000 points.

Meanwhile, Snapdragon 765G scores 322,826 points on AnTuTu v8 with Redmi K30 5G.

Finally, the Snapdragon 765 scores around 300,000 points.

Snapdragon 768 Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 AnTuTu

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 – Connectivity Comparison

Snapdragon 768G supports 5G networking and is the first upper-mid SoC to provide this networking.  Snapdragon 768G integrating the X52 modem (internal) gives 5G download up to 3.7 Gbit/s and upload up to 1.6 Gbit/s. Moreover, it also supports Global 5G networking consisting of sub-6 GHz in Europe and Asia and mmWave 5G in the US. For 4G LTE, the download uses Cat 24 with a speed up to 1200 Mbit/s and for upload Cat 22 with a speed up to 210 Mbit/s. The Snapdragon 768G download and upload speeds are 3.7 Gbps and 1.6 Gbps respectively for the mmWave 5G network.

The same goes for the SD 765 and 765G which have the same network modem.

Winner: None (Tie)

Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 SoC – Other Features Comparison

Similar to the SD 765 and 765G, it has the Snapdragon Elite Gaming feature. There’s also the aptX audio technology. In terms of camera support, we have the Spectra 355 which supports 192 MP single camera and up to  22 MP at 30fps Dual Camera with MFNR/ZSL. It also supports the latest QC 4.0+ charging.

Winner: None (Tie)

Price & Availability

Since Qualcomm SoCs aren’t limited to a specific manufacturer, we can see a wide price range of smartphones featuring SD 768G depending on the manufacturer. Xiaomi and Realme phones will be much cheaper, meanwhile, manufacturers like OPPO and Vivo will have phones featuring SD 768G for a much expensive price. At present, we have the Xiaomi Redmi K30 5G Speed Version rumored to feature this SoC and the price is around $300-$330. Snapdragon 765G featured in Redmi K30 5G has a price of $285 only. There are only two SD 765 phones which are priced around $400 to $600, including OPPO Find X2 Lite, and Moto Razr Fold 2. If we see overall, we have SD 765G as the cheapest SoC right now, however, if the price of SD 768G is slightly higher ($10 to $30), then SD 768G will be better in terms of price-over-performance ratio.

Winner: Snapdragon 765G and Snapdragon 768G

Our Verdict

As the number says, Snapdragon 768G is indeed powerful not because of the GPU (since it as the same frequency as SD 765G), but because of the overclocked A76 cores in the CPU section which gives it a boost of 10% which is visible in AnTuTu. However, all other aspects are the same including AI, Connectivity, Camera, and other features. If you were to select a phone among these SoCs, the price will be the main factor here. If the Snapdragon 768G phone is priced slightly higher ($10 to $30 than SD 765G) then it will be good to select an SD 768G phone. If not, then staying to a Snapdragon 765G will be a way better choice. Snapdragon 765 phones aren’t that much, so it doesn’t even matter.

SD 768G (3 Points) | SD 765G (1 Points) | SD 765 (0 Points) | Tie (4 Points)

Overall Winner: Snapdragon 768G (3 Points)

We hoped that you loved our Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 SoC comparison. Don’t forget to rate the post.

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Snapdragon 768
Snapdragon 768G Vs Snapdragon 765G vs SD 765 | AnTuTu | Specs Comparison
SD 768 is almost 10% better in overall performance over Snapdragon 765G and 20% over SD 765
Reader Rating0 Votes
Similarities Between Three SoCs
Same Core Distribution
Same GPU
Same APU
Same Connectivity
Same Camera Support
Same Other Features
Differences Between The Three SoCs
CPU frequency difference
GPU frequency difference
AnTuTu score difference
Total Rating