
Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G | AnTuTu | Specs Comparison

Since last year, Qualcomm has not only positioned itself as one of the strongest competitors in relation to processors for smart devices, but also took the time to launch a large number of these for the enjoyment of its users. While we have already talked about many of these, today we will talk about two of the most recent, the Snapdragon 768G and Snapdragon 720G, and we are going to compare them to one of those launched at the beginning of last year, the Snapdragon 730G. We welcome you to this new article, and we hope you enjoy this Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G AnTuTu and Specs Comparison!

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Specs Sheet

SoCSnapdragon 768G Snapdragon 730G Snapdragon 720G
Release date May 8, 2020 April 9, 2019
January 20, 2020
Process7nm LPP EUV8nm
8nm LPP (Samsung)
CPU1 x Kryo 475 Prime Cortex-A76 @ 2.8 GHz
1 x Kryo 475 Gold Cortex-A76 @2.4 GHz
6 x Kryo 475 Silver Cortex-A55 @ 1.8 GHz
Dual-Cluster, octa-core (2x Kryo 470 Gold @2.2 GHz
6x Kryo 470 Silver @1.8 GHz)
2 x Cortex-A76 @2.3GHz
6 x Cortex-A55 @1.8GHz
GPUAdreno 620 @750MHzAdreno 618 @825
Adreno 618
AIHexagon 696 Hexagon 688 DSP
Hexagon 692
ConnectivityInternal X52 5G/LTE (5G: download up to 3.7 Gbit/s, Upload: up to 1.6 Gbit/s; LTE: download Cat 24, up to 1200 Mbit/s, upload Cat 22, up to 210 Mbit/s) Snapdragon X15
D/L Speed: 800 Mbps (LTE cat.15)
Downlink 3x20 MHz CA
U/L Speed: 150 Mbps (LTE cat.13)
Uplink 2x20 MHz CA
X15 LTE (download: Cat 15, up to 800 Mbit/s; upload: Cat 13, up to 150 Mbit/s)
5G: Not Supported
CameraSpectra 355(192 MP single camera /
22 MP at 30fps Dual Camera with MFNR/ZSL)
Single 48MP (up to 192MP)
Dual 22MP + 22MP
Spectra 350 IPS
Qualcomm Spectraâ„¢ 350L image signal processor, Dual 14-bit ISPs
(192 MP single camera /16 MP at 30fps Dual Camera with MFNR/ZSL)

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Release Date Comparison

About release dates, the Snapdragon 768G has announced on May 8, 2020 in the Redmi K30 5G Speed Edition; however, the official release was made in May 11, 2020. The SD 720G was also released this year on January 20, 2020 and lastly, the SD 730G was presented a year ago, on April 9, 2019.

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Process Comparison

Let’s start the real Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G comparison with the process section. The recently launched SD 768G has inside the latest 7nm LPP EUV process made by Samsung, which gives it the power you need to be a great processor. That being said, both the SD 730G and the SD 720G features the 8nm LPP Samsung process, which although it is not as powerful as the 7nm process, it is a nice upgrade over its ancestor SD 710 and SD 712 which were based on the 10nm LPP process.

The EUV process allows 10 billion transistors (10.3 billion transistors) on a board area which is 36% less compared to the previous generation, and due to this, the Snapdragon 768G wins this process category.

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Process Comparison

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – CPU Comparison

It is time to start this great comparison of processors, and we will start talking about the CPUs that are inside. Starting with the SD 768G, it has an octa-core design with a tri-cluster layout (1+1+6); It has a 1 x Cortex A76 high-performance core running at a speed of 2.8GHz and 1 x mid-end Cortex A76 running at a speed of 2.4GHz. Meanwhile, there are 6 x Cortex A55 power-efficient SoCs running at a speed of 1.8GHz.

That being said, the Snapdragon 730G has an eight-core (octa-core) technology that is divided into two groups. A fast performance cluster features two ARM Cortex A76 cores clocked up to 2.2GHz and an energy-efficient cluster that features six small ARM Cortex A55 cores clocked up to 1.8GHz. Depending on the workload, only individual clusters or all cores can run at different clock speeds.

Lastly, the Snapdragon 720G has 8 cores in total and dual cluster arrangement, which is based on two Cortex A76 cores that go at an approximate speed of 2.3GHz and six Cortex A55 cores that go at an approximate speed of 1.8GHz.

CPU Comparison

Comparing all of them, we can clearly see that the SD 768G is the winner here because of higher clock speed for both Cortex A76 cores.

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – GPU Comparison

Turning to talk about the GPUs that are inside these three powerful processors, in terms of GPU performance, the SD 768G works with the Adreno 620 with clock speed of 750 MHz, while both the SD 730G and the SD 720G works with the Adreno 618, manufactured by Qualcomm itself, which has a speed of 700MHz.

Due to the clock speed that the Adreno 620 has, the SD 768G gets the first place in this category as well.

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – GPU Comparison

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – AnTuTu Comparison

Moving to the scores of the AnTuTu Benchmark v8, official claims that the overall performance of the SD 768G has increased by about 10%, scoring around 360,000 points. Meanwhile, the SD 720G scored 276,500 points and the SD 730G scored 259.109 points.

AnTuTu Comparison

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Also Read: Kirin 985 vs Snapdragon 855 Plus Specs | Price | AnTuTu Comparison

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – AI Comparison

Now, talking about AI, the SD 768G works with the Hexagon 696 NPU for AI tasks and operations. With that said, the SD 730G incorporates the Hexagon 688 DSP to move artificial intelligence code, and adds the Vector eXtensions, in addition to the Hexagon Tensor Accelerator, which at means that the chip is not only responsible for coordinating the rest of the processor but also has a specific execution unit. And to top it off, we have a neural processing SDK also included.

Lastly, the SD 720G comes with the dedicated Hexagon 692 DSP. It even beats Helio G90T and is one of the best low mid-end SoC in terms of AI beaten by only the upper-mid and high-end SoCs like Kirin 810, SD 855, Kirin 980, Kirin 990 and so on.

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – AI Comparison

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Connectivity Comparison

As for connectivity, the SD 768G supports 5G networking and is the first upper-mid SoC to provide this networking. Snapdragon 768G integrating the X52 modem (internal) gives 5G download up to 3.7 Gbit/s and upload up to 1.6 Gbit/s. Moreover, it also supports Global 5G networking consisting of sub-6 GHz in Europe and Asia and mmWave 5G in the US. For 4G LTE, the download uses Cat 24 with a speed up to 1200 Mbit/s and for upload Cat 22 with a speed up to 210 Mbit/s.

Having said that, the SD 730G by Qualcomm chip includes a range of other features like a fast X15 LTE radio (800 Mbits Cat 15 download, 150 Mbps Cat 13 upload), one of the first Wifi 6 wireless radios (802.11ax) and satellite positioning ( GPS, QZSS, GLONASS, SBAS, Beidou, Galileo). There’s no 5G support in SD 730G.

Last but not least, the SD 720G has an X15 LTE modem (download: Cat 15, up to 800 Mbit/s; upload: Cat 13, up to 150 Mbit/s). Apart from this, the other connectivity features are insane for a mid-end SoC. These include the first mid-end SoC to introduce the WiFi 6 standard. Other include Bluetooth 5.1, Dual-frequency GNSS, NavIC, and FM radio. There’s no 5G support in this processor either.

Connectivity Comparison

Not only due to the general specifications it has, but also thanks to the highly acclaimed user 5G connectivity, the SD 768G takes first place in this category.

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Also Read: Snapdragon 768G Specs, Phone, AnTuTu Score – Everything We Need To Know

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Camera Comparison

In relation to the configuration of the camera, the SD 768G has the ISP Spectra 355, a signal processor that supports up to 192 megapixels in the case of opting for a single sensor. It supports video recording in HEVC, HLG and HDR10 +, as well as 4K HDR and slow motion in HD at 480 frames per second.

On the other hand, the SD 730G incorporates new features in the photographic aspect, such as the possibility of mounting sensors up to 192 megapixels, or the assistant for the focus, or the Portrait mode in video, functional even capturing at 60 frames per second. A highly photographic chip that also supports up to three cameras and up to 5x optical zoom.

That being said, the SD 720G has the legendary Qualcomm Spectraâ„¢ 350L image signal processor, Dual 14-bit ISPs. It has a single camera support of a freaking 192 megapixels and 16 megapixels + 16 megapixels Dual camera support at 30fps with MFNR/ZSL. It also has AI features similar to G85.

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G – Camera Comparison

Thanks to the fact that it has 4K HDR and slow motion in HD, the SD 768G wins this category.

Winner: Snapdragon 768G

Price Comparison

Regarding their price, and since Qualcomm SoCs aren’t limited to a specific manufacturer, we can see a wide price range of smartphones featuring SD 768G depending on the manufacturer. Xiaomi and Realme phones will be much cheaper, meanwhile, manufacturers like OPPO and Vivo will have phones featuring SD 768G for a much expensive price. At present, we have the Xiaomi Redmi K30 5G Speed Version rumored to feature this SoC and the price is around the $300 – $330.

On the other hand, the SD 720G can be found in the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro that comes with an attractive price that is around the $269 – $299. Meanwhile, the Lenovo Z6, which inside has the SD 730G processor, is sold in the world market along with a very attractive price tag of $268, being the cheapest out of the three.

Winner: Snapdragon 730G

Our Final Verdict

As it could be seen throughout the article, and as the numbers confirm, there is no doubt that the SD 768G is the winner of this battle. Working together with a great CPU that is phenomenally combined with its GPU and that can be evidenced in the score it obtained in AnTuTu, as well as the high and advanced version of Hexagon with which it works and its available 5G connectivity, it positions itself well same as a great processor. Having said that, in relation to the price the crown is the 730G, because although the 768G has great specifications, it is also the most expensive.

Having said that, we remember the same as always: the final choice of processor will always be in the hands of the user, and the special needs that they have when purchasing a smart device.

Snapdragon 768G (7 points) | Snapdragon 730G (1 points) | Snapdragon 720G (0 points)

Overall Winner: Snapdragon 730G

Snapdragon 768G vs SD 730G vs SD 720G | AnTuTu | Specs Comparison
As it could be seen throughout the article, and as the numbers confirm, there is no doubt that the SD 768G is the winner of this battle. Working together with a great CPU that is phenomenally combined with its GPU and that can be evidenced in the score it obtained in AnTuTu, as well as the high and advanced version of Hexagon with which it works and its available 5G connectivity, it positions itself well same as a great processor. Having said that, in relation to the price the crown is the 730G, because although the 768G has great specifications, it is also the most expensive. Having said that, we remember the same as always: the final choice of processor will always be in the hands of the user, and the special needs that they have when purchasing a smart device.
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